Chicken Products
All products listed are also sold at RHO Market
Limited availability email us at for details
About Our Laying Hens
We have a variety of Chickens including Rode Island Reds, Leghorns, and Black Australorps. They are Free Ranged and We supplement the birds natural eating habits with a combination of Black oil Sunflower seeds, rolled oats and feed. Diatomaceous Earth is mixed into the supplement which is a natural parasite remover.
Our Farm operates under a Florida Limited Poultry and Egg Permit. 2022-N-196529
Free Ranged Eggs

Chicken Eggs
Egg Cartons are 12 eggs that are mixed white leghorn eggs and brown eggs from Rhode Island Reds.
Eggs are not graded as to weight.

Chicken Eggs - Pullets
Our new Hens are starting to lay eggs. These hens are Rhode Island Reds and Black Australorp. The eggs are small at this time (Pullet Eggs) and will be for the next few weeks. These are all brown eggs.
Eggs are not graded as to weight.
About Our Meat Bird
Our meat birds are a Cornish Cross variety. The Meat Birds are raised in a chicken Tractor that is moved at least once a day so the birds are on fresh grass and are helping to enrich the soil. We supplement the birds natural eating habits with a combination of Black oil Sunflower seeds, rolled oats and feed. Diatomaceous Earth is mixed into the supplement which is a natural parasite remover.
Our Farm operates under a Florida Limited Poultry and Egg Permit. 2022-N-1965295

Whole Chicken
Pasture Raised - No Hormones or Antibiotics

Chicken Frame
Great for Chicken Stock Pasture Raised - No Hormones or Antibiotics.

Chicken Gizzards
Pasture Raised Pasture Raised - No Hormones or Antibiotics

Chicken Livers
Pasture Raised Pasture Raised - No Hormones or Antibiotics

Leg Quarters
It's BBQ Time - 2 quarters per package.

Chicken Feet
Great for Chicken Stock Pasture Raised - No Hormones or Antibiotics.

Chicken Hearts
Pasture Raised Pasture Raised - No Hormones or Antibiotics

Chicken Necks
Pasture Raised Pasture Raised - No Hormones or Antibiotics